From: Elise Diane Bant <>
To: Obligations List <>
CC: Simon Evans <>
Date: 04/02/2010 00:26:18 UTC
Subject: Melbourne Law School recruitment in private law
Attachments: 20100203_AUST_HE_V1_UMHL00122.pdf

Dear Colleagues,


Melbourne Law School is offering academic positions at all levels (from Lecturer to Professor) and we are particularly keen to recruit in the field of private law. The advertisement is attached.


Potential candidates may find the web site for the Obligations Group of the Melbourne Law School of particular interest in deciding whether to apply. It provides some very useful information about the depth and range of private law research conducted within the Law School. The link is provided below.



Best wishes,



Associate Professor Elise Bant
Melbourne Law School
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010

Telephone:(int)+(03)8344 1085